Fedora Core 3… Where for art thou?

less than 1 minute read

I’ve got some new hardware for an updated front end, and I’m dying to get it up and running on the new version of MythTV (0.17) and Fedora Core 3. It’s a Shuttle SN95G5 with 1Gig of Ram, two 300Gig SATA drives and one 250Gig external (total .85 TBytes). nVidia GeForce 6600GT Vid card, pcHDTV HD-3000 High Definition capture card, Dual Layer DVD Writer and AMD 64 3200+ CPU.

Only one problem. Fedora Core 3 won’t install on SATA drives attached to nForce motherboards….

The workaround is anything but elegant, and if I am able to make any progress at all, I’ll keep y’all up to date.
