Sony BMG Lawsuit (get the word out)
The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) has done a great job fighting for the consumers rights in a digital age. As a member, I've been very proud to support this organization and what they have accomplished. Currently, they are trying to get the word out about the Sony BMG Settlement.
Here's a snippet from their newsletter:
EFF's campaign to help music fans claim their share of the Sony BMG settlement is off to a great start. News reports and EFF's settlement banners have spread around the web, driving over 20,000 hits to our settlement site in one week.
Help us keep the momentum going. Sony BMG won't be held accountable for infecting its customers' computers with dangerous DRM if music fans don't learn about the flawed software, the settlement, and how to submit claims. EFF has created a webpage to guide people through the Sony BMG settlement site, and we've designed several banners that link to this webpage. By posting a banner on your website or blog, you can help music fans protect themselves and get what they deserve.
So folks, if you are interested in getting the details, hop on over to the EFF site and check out the FAQ.