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Running a Python Script from systemd

If you have a long-running python script (for example a discord bot) that you want running continuously, this tutorial is for you. I will show you how to create a long-running python script on any linux machine that supports systemd services.

Proxmox VE Install on Dell R430

I recently purchased a very used Dell R430 for use in my Homelab. The idea is to migrate the apps that I have running on various bits of hardware all over the place to one large server. It has 2x Xeon processors w/12 cores each and 128GB of RAM, so it should do nicely. Below I'll document each step through the process, for myself, as well as for anybody else who might come along. I'll do my best to keep it updated.

Capture HDMI to Channels DVR


DVRs have been around for a long time, but unfortunately streaming services have locked us in to their cloud DVR solutions. As a long time MythTV then Channels DVR user I'm excited at the idea of being able to record content from various streaming services that I subscribe to. Primarily YouTube TV.