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StormLogic contributes some tidbits of code for MythTV

I just ran across this site: StormLogic, LLC's MythTV Store - Contributed Code (archive link) where there are a few bits of interesting code for MythTV.

The two I find the most interesting are DVB Fixer Scripts:

DVB Fixer Script

"DVB fixer scripts v1.1, used to automate the manual process of using an HD-3000 card with the DVB drivers"

", a wrapper for mplayer that remembers where you left off."

When much of my time watching transcoded HDTV shows was spent using mplayer instead of the internal player, I was always frustrated by the lack of a 'bookmark' capability in mplayer. The script is a nice workaround to that problem.

Windows MCE, MythTV Smack down...

O.K. Maybe I took liberties with the title, but Bruce Shankle does a side-by-side comparison between Windows MCE, and MythTV. It's not a feature comparison, but rather an installation, ease-of-use, comparison. He does get a bit into what he considers his key feature (the ability to watch and rip a DVD) where MythTV is the clear winner. My favorite quote from the article:

How long can the television industry last like this?

I just finished reading the stuff about the music industry and how artists are now considered more 'in control' of their own destiny, and the entire distribution model that was in place is falling apart, and I'm wondering just how far we are from a parallel thing happening with the Television industry. I see the film industry leading the way on this front, as they seem to be more accepting of independent artists. Perhaps it may never happen because Television isn't considered 'art'. Therefore, and 'independent' TV producer would never happen.

Windows Media Center requires an NTSC tuner? WTF?

I was cruising AVSForums when I ran across a thread from somebody complaining that they were having a hard time setting up their MCE PC with just an HD (ATSC) capture card. Lo and behold, after a bit of digging, I confirmed (for myself at least) that it is indeed true. That in order to set up High-Definition in MCE2005, you must have an NTSC tuner installed.

Coming soon: The 8-terabyte desktop

I'd more consider this a media backend server than a desktop.. strange headline. I think folks are finally getting it right with the disk space. The initial estimated street price will be $8,000. The smart buy would be to buy an empty system and fill it as you go. My reasoning is that with the constantly dropping price of storage, you should always buy just what you need, when you need it. Then by the time you are actually buying the last few disks to fill the 16 slots, you will be buying 2TB disks at $120.00 each...